We’ve all been there – heading out on vacation and wondering if you should pick up that half-read book you haven’t touched in six months. If you’ve read this far, you can relate to the guilt and shame of that abandoned book.
I had taken a six-month break from reading Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man and the plot and characters were fuzzy.
ChatGPT to the rescue. I asked for a summary and analysis, but ONLY UP TO THE LAST CHAPTER I HAD READ.
The prompts:
► “Act as an avid reader with magical abilities to summarize. I am restarting a book after many months and want a refresher so I can jump back in. Please give me a summary of what has happened up to chapter 7. The book is: The Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison.”
► “Act as a literary and race scholar. Tell me, a white man in his fifties, what I should understand to better understand the book's significance.”
► “How might the themes from the Invisible Man be relevant to the social, economic, and political issues facing society today?”
► I also asked ChatGPT to act as a black friend and share their perspective on the events in the book. I further asked for perspectives based on gender, age, socio-economic status, and geography. [AI can be very effective in suggestion points of view]
► “Can you give me three pithy motivational nudges to help me re-engage with this book. Base these statements on: - sarcasm - shame - an appeal to my better self”
Here are the prompts with the results from ChatGPT4
Happy reading! Hope this
helps you find completion with all those great unfinished books.
❓In the comments, please share how you're using AI to enhance your reading❓