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Welcome HRLF Members

Welcome, and thank you for participating in the Human Resources Leadership Forum (HRLF) AI session

On this page, I'll include links to the things we discussed in the workshop -- plus a few more resources.
Link to HRLF 

October 2024 Update for the HRLF Community

A lot is happening in the AI space.  Here are the updates that I think you'll find most timely:



The feelings that you said AI conjures up.
These are the weighted responses from our warm-up session. 

Research & Cases Related to the discussion


✺✺ NEW Check out Wisq and their Whitepaper for some of the best thinking on AI-powered guides that delivers personalized coaching in real-time. âœºâœº

AI at Work 2024: Friend and Foe (BCG) 


HBR & BCG.  The first study I highlighted was the one conducted by Harvard Business School and Boston Consulting Group. 

  • The full study, "Navigating the Jagged Technological Frontier: Field Experimental Evidence of the Effects of AI on Knowledge Worker Productivity and Quality" is HERE

  • For most people, I suggest reading the analysis of the study.  Wharton's Ethan Mollick did a robust analysis of the work and summarizes it HERE


McKinsey.  The second report showed where AI was being adopted across different functional areas.  I'm very impressed with the work that McKinsey's Quantum Black group is conducting.  Their high-level research is HERE

The chart I referenced comes from the McKinsey study "The state of AI in early 2024: Gen AI adoption spikes and starts to generate value"  May 30, 2024 | Survey.  LINK


Salesforce Study

Microsoft & LinkedIn

Case Study:  Moderna 

Case Study:  Asana -- AI Teammates


McKinsey's AI Research (Of all the big consulting forms, I'm most impressed with what McKinsey and BCG are doing with AI)


Workday's study: Global CHRO AI.  Indicator Report:  A Vision for Strategic Value. Three Ways to Thoughtfully Embrace Al in HR

The AI Activation Index

We're offering a 50% discount to the first three HRLF member companies who implement the AI Activation Index this summer. 


The AI Activation Index helps you assess where your organization is with AI today and prioritize the steps required to get to where you want to go.  We quantify your current situation across five dimensions of AI activation:

  1. Strategy

  2. Usage and Literacy

  3. Governance and Ethics

  4. Technical Readiness

  5. Culture and Talent Readiness


We also use an AI tool to have your employees submit, rate, and prioritize the AI strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats they see, providing you a qualitative SWOT snapshot to complement the quantitative assessment scores. 


These components provide a framework to define data-driven activation steps that can include trainings, internal champion development, masterminds, expert consultation, policy updates, and communication plans. They also provide a consistent benchmark to track the organization's activation progress over time.


Email me to explore more

Schudule a free AI chat

Governance & Usage Policies

We have an updated Governance and Usage Resource page HERE

Prompting 101.  The Essentials

The Prompting 101 Resources have been updated and expanded and are now HERE

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© 2024 by The Prompt, Matt Strain.

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